Wiki 3-6-2010 CPC Exam


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Has anyone found out there exam results yet from last weekend, 3/6/2010. I know it may be early, but I am getting really :confused:
Sandy and Dawson, I hope you all pass your exams too! Please let me know when you find out (if you don't mind)...

Sandy-are you waiting on your CPC or a specialty exam?

Thanks...I will keep my fingers crossed for all of us :)
Well I found out today. It was bad news. Maybe you haven't heard since you passed. Keeping my fingers cross for you.
I will be taking my CPC test next Saturday. You said you missed it by 3 points (sorry to hear that) can you tell me how the exam is being graded? Is the passing grade 70% overall or by section?
I will be taking my CPC test next Saturday. You said you missed it by 3 points (sorry to hear that) can you tell me how the exam is being graded? Is the passing grade 70% overall or by section?

it is 70% overall, they are no longer doing 70% for each section. good luck!

kim, CPC