Technique right knee arthroscopy with large partial posterior horm medial meniscectomy chrondroplasty of the medial femoral condoyle the the trochlea and the partial posterior horn medial meniscectomy chrondroplasty of the medial femoral condyle the trochlea and the undersurface of patella. Removal of intercondylar notch synovitis and transverse fibrotic band right knee.were used the intra articul
the right leg was sterile prep draped exsanguinated and placed in leg holder. The2 parapatellar portals were used the intra articular findings were there was diffuse synovitis were there diffuse synovitis throughout the kneww. there was a communuted tearing of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus degenerative in nature. Through about the medial compartment the articular surface was very friable. The medial femoral condyle had a flap articular tears. a large partial posterior horn medial meniscectomy was performed and a chrondroplasty performed of the medical femoral condyle. anteriorly the knee in the intercondylar notch are had extensive synovitis. In debriding this there was also a fibrotic transverse band. both were removed. the cruciate ligaments were intact but hypermic. there was difficult time seen in the good condition and therefore after several attempts further attempts at seen in the lateral compartment were deemed to be counterproductive. the anterior compartment showed extensice chondromalacia changes of the patella and the troclear groove both a grade 3 nature that on the trochlear groove was a deep grade 3 nature . both areas were debrided with a chondrotome to remove the loose and frayed. the gutters showed hypertrophic synovium. knee was 3 arthroscope several times no further issues were identified. the knee was filled with 20 ml of 0.5 naropin and kenalog. the 2 port we closed with glue
It's Monday morning blues with coding
the right leg was sterile prep draped exsanguinated and placed in leg holder. The2 parapatellar portals were used the intra articular findings were there was diffuse synovitis were there diffuse synovitis throughout the kneww. there was a communuted tearing of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus degenerative in nature. Through about the medial compartment the articular surface was very friable. The medial femoral condyle had a flap articular tears. a large partial posterior horn medial meniscectomy was performed and a chrondroplasty performed of the medical femoral condyle. anteriorly the knee in the intercondylar notch are had extensive synovitis. In debriding this there was also a fibrotic transverse band. both were removed. the cruciate ligaments were intact but hypermic. there was difficult time seen in the good condition and therefore after several attempts further attempts at seen in the lateral compartment were deemed to be counterproductive. the anterior compartment showed extensice chondromalacia changes of the patella and the troclear groove both a grade 3 nature that on the trochlear groove was a deep grade 3 nature . both areas were debrided with a chondrotome to remove the loose and frayed. the gutters showed hypertrophic synovium. knee was 3 arthroscope several times no further issues were identified. the knee was filled with 20 ml of 0.5 naropin and kenalog. the 2 port we closed with glue
It's Monday morning blues with coding