Wiki 29875 OR 29881


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Can someone help me please? I am having a hard time trying to figure out if this should be coded as 29881 or 29875. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

We then insufflated the knee with 120 cc of normal saline, established our anterolateral portal and medial
portal from outside-in under direct visualization. Medial meniscus near the posterior horn attachment had
almost looked like an impaction type injury with some posterior horn tear that did not communicate really,
but was about 3 mm in length and could really probe this area and there was probed the underneath, there
may been a small nondisplaced area where there was a tear which was debrided with the shaver, but
otherwise no displaced medial meniscus tear. The medial femoral condyle and medial tibial plateau were
free from the articular defects. ACL and PCL were intact. Lateral meniscus, lateral femoral condyle,
lateral tibial plateau were free from the articular defects. Posterolateral gutter was clear. Undersurface
of the patella and trochlea were free from the articular defects, the patella tracked centrally. There was a
large medial plica which appeared to be rubbing on the knee under flexion and extension. This was
excised using the heat probe. Once this was done, the excess fluid was then drained from the knee. The
arthroscope was removed. Skin was closed with 3-0 subcuticular Monocryl. Steri-Strips were placed in
the wound. A 50 cc of Bupivacaine/Ketorolac solution was placed in the joint for local anesthesia. Sterile
dressing was applied. He was awoken and transferred to the PACU in stable satisfactory condition
Medial meniscus near the posterior horn attachment had
almost looked like an impaction type injury with some posterior horn tear that did not communicate really,
but was about 3 mm in length and could really probe this area and there was probed the underneath, there
may been a small nondisplaced area where there was a tear which was debrided with the shaver

I would code 29881