Wiki 29806 or 29807


San Diego
Best answers
Standard portals wer made and the arthroscope introduced in the posterior portal on the left shoulder

He was noted to have some loose fragements in the joint which were then irrigated out and removed with a shaver through the anterior portal

There was a labral tear noted anteriorly, however there was just fraying on the posterior and superior and inferior aspects of the labrum. They did not appear to be detached from the glenoid.

Early degenerative changed noted on the humeral and on the glenoid of frayed articular cartilage.
Bicep tendon was normal although the capsule was somewhat lax.

A shaver was introduced and the frayed labral tissue superiorly, posteriorly and inferiorly was removed with a 3.8 full radius shaver.

The anterior labral detachment from the glenoid was then identified

A drill how as made on the anterior glenoid. This was marked with the ArthoroCare.

It was then captured with a parrot-beak passer and using a superior cannula for working cannula and an anterior cannula for passing the anchor. The anchor was captured and the suture captured and the anchor malleted in place

Excellent fixation and buffering of the anterior labrum was accomplished in this fashion.
Some portion of the capsule was also captured in this fashion.

29806 or 29807 (not superior only 29806?)
What about the debridement?
Can the loos body removal be coded since looks like thru a different portal?

Thank you!!!!