Wiki 28299


springfield, MO
Best answers
I have collected a lot of conflicting opinions regarding coding/billing 28299 vs a bunionectomy code plus a separate code for a proximal metatarsal osteotomy (28306). I am confused as to who is the definitive source. AAOS? AHIMA? CPT?

This is from an AAPC article: CPT? advises reporting codes 28292 and 28306-59 Osteotomy, with or without lengthening, shortening or angular correction, metatarsal; first metatarsal-Distinct procedural service) for this technique.

AHIMA says: Any bunion procedure performed that involves a combination of two osteotomy procedures should be coded with the 28299 code, instead of being coded out separately.

Most seem to agree that 28298 + 28306 (austin-akin) should be billed as 28299, but per CPT (see above) it sounds like it should be 28298+28306.
My doctors are also confused as to why 28292+28306 would be OK, but not 28298+28306.

Now are you as confused as I am? :)