Wiki 28010 vs 28011

Jamie Dezenzo

True Blue
Horseshoe Bend, AR
Best answers
Hello all,

flexor tendon perc tenotomy bilateral 3rd and 4th.....

28010x4 w/ toe modifiers or 28011-RT and 28011-LT

This was the only treatment for the hammer toe.

Does anyone have any guidelines/thoughts for these codes….?
"This procedure is performed to correct mallet or hammer toe. The physician makes a small incision at the crease of the toe where the tendon is restricted. The tendon is released from the bone and the toe is straightened. The incision is sutured and dressing applied. Report 28011 if more than one toe is being straightened."

If multiple tendons are being done on both sides then I would code 28011-LT, 28011-RT.

Hope this helps.

April :)