Wiki 277.7 plus other codes


Phoenix, AZ
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In ICD-9, 2013, for code 277.7 it indicates to use additional code for associated manifestations such as: CVD 414.00-414.07 and Obesity 278.00-278.03

Can other codes be used as well, such as Hypertension 401.9, Hyperlipidemia 272.4...? Could it be any code that causes or is a "side effect" of Insulin Resistance?

Need to get this clarified before I present to my physician....need to make sure I understand this correctly!! Thank you!
Hypertension and hyperlipidemia are both manifestations of insulin resistance, so yes. If you read the "DEF" below where it tells you to use the additional codes it explains this.

Hope this helps.
Hi Tracy,

With few exceptions to the multiple coding convention (this is not one of those exceptions), the causation must be stated by the due to Dymetabolic Syndrome X. Or obesity due to Dymetabolic Syndrome X. Its just CMS being vague again. Don't get hung up on the convention per se, just make sure the provider clearly states the causation. I think providers are slow to catch on to documenting the clinical signifigance of obesity in there assessment and plan. CMS using "Such as" is ridiculously confusing..I agree!!! "Such as but not limited to" would be better. I always worry more about the documentation than the code. Any code can be changed if its an honest mistake, but bad documentation or assumptive upcoding can never be fixed after the fact.
Hope this helps.