Wiki 27415 AND 29877? Newbie to Ortho


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Hi list I am getting the 27415 but would you also add on 29877?



Chondral defect/failed BioCartilage, left medial femoral



Chondral defect/failed BioCartilage, left medial femoral



1. Open osteochondral allograft implantation, left medial

femoral condyle (27415).

2. Diagnostic arthroscopy, left knee (29870).







150 mL.


See anesthesia record.


The patient is a 43-year-old male who underwent BioCartilage

treatment for his left medial femoral condyle lesion on May 6,

2014. He continued to have pain and dysfunction to the point

where a postoperative MRI revealed incomplete healing

subchondral bone edema. He was advised the risks and benefits

of revision, osteochondral allograft implantation. He

understood those risks and benefits and agreed to proceed with

surgery today.


The patient was brought to the operating room, placed supine

on the OR table, underwent general anesthesia without

difficulty. Preop time-out was done, identifying his left

knee as the operative knee. He was given preoperative

antibiotics and a block in the holding area. He was placed in

a sterile tourniquet and examination under anesthesia revealed

a stable Lachman, stable to varus and valgus stress, stable

anterior and posterior drawer. He was placed in a leg holder

with all bony prominences padded, prepped and draped in

sterile fashion using ChloraPrep. His limb was elevated,

exsanguinated and tourniquet was raised. Standard diagnostic

arthroscopy was performed using anteromedial and anterolateral

portal with the following findings. He had grade II

chondromalacia on the back of his patella, grade II

chondromalacia on his trochlea that was debrided back to

stable rim using oscillating shaver. There was a soft tissue

cyst in his intercondylar notch similar to a cyclops lesion

that was resected with the arthroscopic shaver]. His medial

femoral condyle did have intact fibrocartilage along the

entire 2.5 x 1.5 cm medial femoral condyle lesion; however,

there was no attachment with the fibrocartilage to bone.

There was a large cleft at the mid aspect of the lesion and

the lesion was unstable to palpation with the probe. We

therefore debrided and used a curette to remove the

fibrocartilage back to the stable bony rim. Intercondylar

notch revealed intact ACL and PCL. Lateral joint revealed an

intact lateral meniscus. No chondromalacia.

We then turned our attention to the open part of the

procedure, his medial portal was extended generously to a

medial parapatellar arthrotomy. We then had good access to

lesion. We used the curette to further prepare the lesion

down to bleeding bone. We used the Arthrex allograft Oats

system in order to size the lesion appropriately. It was an

ovoid lesion that would not be amenable to a single plug. We

therefore elected two 15 mm plugs. We sequentially measured

and then drilled the recipient site, first being careful to

dilate and mark the 12 o'clock region for the snowman plugs.

We then turned our attention to the backtable where the

allograft was carefully marked and drilled appropriately. The

grafts were contoured appropriately to fit the recipient

sites. They were both fit in a press-fit manner and then

subsequently fixed with one Bio-Absorbable 20 mm Arthrex

screw. They sat flush with the articular surface,

particularly on the weightbearing side. There was no

dislodgement with the range of motion, they were nice and

stable. We then copiously irrigated the wound and closed the

arthrotomy using interrupted #2 Vicryl stitches in a

figure-of-eight fashion. 2-0 Vicryl was used on subcutaneous

layer and then 3-0 nylon in a horizontal mattress fashion used

on the skin. Xeroform, dressing sponges, Webril, ABD and Ace

wrap were applied. We also placed the patient in a hinged

knee brace from 0-90 degrees. He tolerated the procedure well

and transferred to recovery room in stable condition.

Postoperatively, he will be touchdown weightbearing for a

total of 6 weeks. We will start him on physical therapy in

1-3 days on my microfracture and allograft Oats rehab

protocol. He will also need a CPM for a total of 4-6 weeks

for passive range of motion.