Wiki 26990 or 10061 Please help !!


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What say you. 26990 or 10061 ?? Three different locations so not sure first which CPT, then need to list additional 2 with -59 or -51 ??? Also, can i code for the use of Ultrasound ?

The patient was brought to the operating room, and placed in the supine position. Placed in a prone jackknife position. Bilateral buttocks and posterior thigh were prepped and draped in standard fashion. The procedure began with aspiration of the lateral fluid collection in the left posterior thigh. Thick black tar and pus was returned and sent off the field as a specimen for culture. An incision was then made above the collection. The pus was then evacuated. Attention then turned to the right buttock. An incision was made in the superior aspect of the abscess. Separate cultures were obtained of the purulent fluid returned. Counter incisions were made at the lateral and inferior aspects of the cavity. The cavity was then copiously irrigated with sterile normal saline using a pulse lavage. A 1/2 inch penrose drain was then placed through the superior incision and brought out through the counter incisions. The penrose drains were sutured into place with 2-0 nylons. Hemostasis was assured. Attention then turned to the left buttock. There was no discrete induration noted, but the patient had been quite tender upon initial examination. An ultrasound was then used to identify a small cavity with tarry pus. The wound also irrigated then packed with xeroform gauze. Dressings were then applied all around. The patient was allowed to awaken from anesthesia and brought to Recovery Room in good condition.