Wiki 26055 and 26145


Winter Springs, FL
Best answers
26055 F2
26145 59


I am not sure if this coding is correct and/or if I can code both 26055 and 26145 in this case. Part of me says yes, but another part says no. Please help?
Dx Lt long finger flexor tenosynovitis with gouty tophus
Lt Long finger flexor tendon synovectomy & tendon debridement
Lt long finger gouty tophus excision
Lt long finger A1pulley release

Incision was made on the volar aspect of the Lt long finger, overlying the flexor tendon sheath at the level of the proximal phalanx. this is where the fullness was most. Thru the subcutaneous tissues, down to the region of the flexor tendon sheath. There were obvious collections of gouty tophi & inflammation of the flexor tendon sheath, tenosynovitis seen.The region of the A3 pulley was opened, & the tenosynovium was debrided in this region, trying to preserve the flexor tendon. Near the distal interphalangeal joint volar surface, there was a substantial gouty tophys. This was excised & sent to pathology.
The A1 pulley was incised to prevent triggering some inflammation or swelling of the tenosynovial sheath.
Next, the wound was irrigated with copious amounts of sterile normal saline. Skin edges were reapproximated, etc, etc