Wiki 26 vs TC


Mentor, Ohio
Best answers
hello I am calling on some help=) I am trying to get a better understanding of the difference of the 26 vs the TC when the eq. us ours and we do the test but do not do the read. Now I have always thought that if we own the eq and do the read we do NOT need the 26 but if we are getting a referral from another provider and we are using our eq and are just doing the read we bill our services with the 26 but that referring provider would not bill anything other than an office visit correct? Now we have a patient come in we do the test and do not read the results they go back to the dr who referred them and we own the eq would we bill the codes but with a TC modifier since it is our eq and we are doing the test BUT NOT reading it.

I thought I understood this but I am in a bit of a tizzy and need some expertise on this one thank you!!!