Wiki 25405


Centre Hall, PA
Best answers
Does 25405 still work if the autograft is taken from the same incision as the nonunion repair? For instance, after the osteotomy is performed, the doctor removes extra callus and bone. At the end of the procedure, he uses the callus bone to create the autograft for the wedge osteotomy site.

The lay term for this procedure says " The provider harvests grafts from the iliac bone or any other long bone of the patient’s body," and the radius is consdered a long bone. It does not say anything about a separate incision.

Thoughts on this?
25405 is with autograft, it doesn't matter where the autograft comes from. If they get the bone from the surgical site or from another site, if it's an autograft. This also means even if they harvested from a distant site, you still can't code it because the 25405 includes getting it.
The site of harvest does not matter.