Wiki 25 and 59 modifier

Rochester, NY
Best answers
Just starting working for a physician's office. Was told to put 25 modifier on all office visit codes and 59 modifiers on all office procedures/diagnostic tests done in that visit. Sounds like over modifying to me but not too sure. This is all new to me.
These type of requests always makes me shudder. Do you have any training in coding and or billing? A blanket commandment such as what you were given is not a compliant directive, in fact, it could set up red flags for audits and I'm sure your provider does not want this. Is this what the office has been doing all along? You are correct in your analysis of "over-modifying". There are rules and regulations one must follow for correct application. I guess my post is more of one to offer sympathies that you'd be placed in such a position, and I applaud your efforts to reach out to get some help. Hope others will jump in here. I just don't know how to begin to help.
Christine, my hats off to you also, fantastic that you've reached out for help. I take it this is a private practice?
So you would not have the access to a back end scrubber?
Or a tool that we use is called Code Correct, which they promote as a revenue cycle tool. Just a thought.