Wiki 238.2 verses 239.2


Newville, PA
Best answers
I am a new coder to dermatology and I would like to know when it would be appropriate to use the 238.2 verses the 239.2.

I have a diagnosis of 238.2 where ther provider is useing cryothearpy destruction of a benign lesion but did not have a confirmed diagnosis, he suspects it to be seborrheic keratosis. Since I code for outpatient I cant code a suspected DX. Would 238.2 be appropritate to use ot 239.2??

any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you
No neither is appropriate. 238.x is for a dx rendered by a pathologist indicating the cellular behavior is uncertain as to its morphology. 239.x can be rendered only after a preliminary diagnostic study states the patient has a new growth or a tumor. With no report or study having been performed you have only an abnormality of the skin which comes under the 709 range of codes, if the provider has no idea as to the nature of the anomaly and no diagnostic study then you assume the destruction was performed due to appearance and the payer will probably deny the claim