Wiki 20610 unbundle?

Prosser, WA
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I work for an Orthopeadic Surgeon who sometimes walks across the street to the hospital to do hip injections under floroscopic guideance. The surgeon charges are 20610 and 77002-26. The hospital of course gets to bill for the Kenalog J3301 and the technical componenet of 77002. My question is: does the hospital get to unbundle the 20610 code and bill for the technical component?

I've always understood 20610 was a physician charge and only the radiology codes would be unbundled? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
In our hospital for this type of situation, we do post a facility charge for 20610 along with the 77002. If you look under CPT 20610 in an expert manual, you'll see that there is both a facility (1.46 rvu's) and a professional (2.05 rvu's) component to this procedure. Because the place of service your surgeon bills will be different when he performs this procedure in the hospital as an outpatient service, his payment is reduced by 1.46 rvu's. This difference goes to the hospital. It wouldn't be appropriate for the surgeon to be paid at 100% value when the overhead costs are incurred by the hospital.