Wiki 20610 Modifier 50


Katy, TX
Best answers
I have a question regarding billing for Aspiration/Injection (eg, shoulder, hip, knee joint, subacromial bursa). My office is confused on how to code for the following scenario to Medicare: Injection of right knee and right hip, same day injection of the left knee and left hip. How would we code this?
20610-x 4
According to an article I found on CMS the following would apply:
"For procedure 20610, modifier 50 is appropriate when billing a bilateral injection only. Modifier 50 is usually not appropriate when billing a bilateral injection along with an injection in another body area. The correct billing of this scenario would be to list 20610 on one line of the CMS-1500 claim from with 3 indicated in the unit field. In situations where a provider performs bilateral injections (the right and left knee) and provides no other injections the bilateral services should be billed on one lien as 20610-50 with 1 unit."

What does this mean do we bill the four units I am so confused also, if you have any direct website links that would help. :confused:

thank you

I would bill that scenario as follows

20610-50 (dx 719.45)
20610-50-59 (dx 719.46)

BUT.. based on the article you quoted, it would seem that 20610x4 would also be appropriate. I wish I could be more help on this one...