Physical Exam
General: The patient is healthy-appearing and of the stated age. Psych: Alert and oriented, no acute distress.
Head: Normocephalic and atraumatic.
Eyes: Anicteric pupils symmetric, extraocular motion intact.
Lungs: No audible wheezing. Symmetric expansion with inspiration.
No DT or DP pulses bilaterally. No popliteal pulses on the left. Patient has significant tenderness of the plantar fascia both medially and laterally. Diffuse redness from her mid leg distally. Foot blanches with elevation. Decreased sensation in a stocking distribution from the mid leg distally to the toes bilaterally. Tenderness to palpation planetary. Redness blanches with elevation. The skin is intact without any rashes or abrasions. The extremity is vascular intact distally. Sensation and motor intact distally. There is no evidence of lymphadenopathy. Date is non-weight bearing in a wheelchair.
Diagnostic Studies None.
Plantar fasciitis of left foot. Venous insufficiency.
Arterial insufficiency.
Bilateral peripheral neuropathy.
I discussed the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the cortisone injection for the plantar fasciitis. The patient wished to proceed and understood the risks of tendon rupture, infection, allergic reaction, or possibly ongoing pain. The foot was prepared with alcohol over the lateral side of the plantar heel. Under direct ultrasound visualization and guidance, I placed a 25-gauge needle around the left plantar fascia! origin. I injected 6 mg of betamethasone, 0.5 cc of lidocaine, and 0.5 cc of Marcaine. Images were saved in the patient's digital record. There were no complications and the procedure was well tolerated. Follow-up will be in 4 weeks for reevaluation.
Our doctor uses 20551 but I think the correct injection code should be 20550.
What do you think?
General: The patient is healthy-appearing and of the stated age. Psych: Alert and oriented, no acute distress.
Head: Normocephalic and atraumatic.
Eyes: Anicteric pupils symmetric, extraocular motion intact.
Lungs: No audible wheezing. Symmetric expansion with inspiration.
No DT or DP pulses bilaterally. No popliteal pulses on the left. Patient has significant tenderness of the plantar fascia both medially and laterally. Diffuse redness from her mid leg distally. Foot blanches with elevation. Decreased sensation in a stocking distribution from the mid leg distally to the toes bilaterally. Tenderness to palpation planetary. Redness blanches with elevation. The skin is intact without any rashes or abrasions. The extremity is vascular intact distally. Sensation and motor intact distally. There is no evidence of lymphadenopathy. Date is non-weight bearing in a wheelchair.
Diagnostic Studies None.
Plantar fasciitis of left foot. Venous insufficiency.
Arterial insufficiency.
Bilateral peripheral neuropathy.
I discussed the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the cortisone injection for the plantar fasciitis. The patient wished to proceed and understood the risks of tendon rupture, infection, allergic reaction, or possibly ongoing pain. The foot was prepared with alcohol over the lateral side of the plantar heel. Under direct ultrasound visualization and guidance, I placed a 25-gauge needle around the left plantar fascia! origin. I injected 6 mg of betamethasone, 0.5 cc of lidocaine, and 0.5 cc of Marcaine. Images were saved in the patient's digital record. There were no complications and the procedure was well tolerated. Follow-up will be in 4 weeks for reevaluation.
Our doctor uses 20551 but I think the correct injection code should be 20550.
What do you think?
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