Wiki 2024 update - cachexia


Local Chapter Officer
Carencro, LA
Best answers
Can someone explain to me why cancerous cachexia points to R64 Cachexia, but now this code has an excludes1 for cachexia due to underlying condition (E88.A)? Wouldn't the cancerous cachexia be due to an underlying condition?

UPDATE: CMS update fixed this issue.
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Can someone explain to me why cancerous cachexia points to R64 Cachexia, but now this code has an excludes1 for cachexia due to underlying condition (E88.A)? Wouldn't the cancerous cachexia be due to an underlying condition?

Interesting. I haven't had a chance to look at the 2024 updates yet. Have had kind of a crazy week. Now I'm curious too.
I need to look for handouts from a webinar I attended once that talked about the difference between cachexia vs the metabolic disorders in the E chapter.

It would have pre-dated the creation of this new E88.A code, but I wonder if the rationale might follow the same pattern? I'll look for the handouts when I get a chance!