Wiki 2021 Independent historian


Local Chapter Officer
Fleming Island, FL
Best answers
I have a question on the independent historian. Can a patients daughter who is the interpreter for the patient be an independent historian??
This is AMA's definition of Independent Historian:
"Independent historian(s): An individual (eg, parent, guardian, surrogate, spouse, witness) who provides a history in addition to a history provided by the patient who is unable to provide a complete or reliable
history (eg, due to developmental stage, dementia, or psychosis) or because a confirmatory history is judged to be necessary. In the case where there may be conflict or poor communication between multiple
historians and more than one historian is needed, the independent historian requirement is met. The independent history does not need to be obtained in person but does need to be obtained directly from the
historian providing the independent information."

So, a patient's next of kin could be considered an independent historian if s/he provided additional history when the patient can't.

EDIT: It doesn't seem like if someone comes in solely to interpret that it would count.
Agree with @carlystur. If the daughter only interprets, that doesn't count. If the daughter translates, then adds in additional information for her elderly mother with memory issues, that would count.
In my opinion, when family translate, they may often add/delete/edit information, but the clinician may not be aware this is taking place.