Wiki 2021 E&M Data High Complexity

Port Charlotte, Florida
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I am using the new 2021 E&M Calculator. I marked 2 Reviews of prior external notes, Ordering 2 unique tests, and Discussion of management or test interpretation with external physician. The score sheet should be showing of High complexity as 2 out of the 3 categories are met but it is showing Moderate complexity for Data instead. Why?
You are showing a Moderate because to get the High in the data , you have to meet 2 out of the 3 categories if you look at it in the MDM Grid in parenthesis up top . In Moderate , you only have to meet 1 out of the 3 categories.
~ Sorry, scratch the above answer, I misunderstood your question . Anyways, I re-read your question and yes, you should be on the Extensive as far as meeting the Data.
Hi, I am looking at the AMA sheet and from Cat 1-a combo of 3-need to be met; along w/Cat 2 or 3. So to me it looks like in your example, w/in Cat 1, only 2 of 3-met (note rvw and order test); hence the Moderate (requires only 1/3 categories and Calculator picked up the Cat 3-discussion). ODDLY tho, the "Assessment req. independent historian" showing on the paper "grid" is not in same location in the Codify calculator. And also, I havent really looked at these yet, but it seems as if it is being taken as each element w/in the Cat 1-Tests, documents, ind. hx would count toward that 1-element only (regardless of the #); similar to how is was prior); is how I am seeing it, but I really haven't come across these in what I do for work.
I believe it is because you only have 2 items from the Category 1 and you need 3 in order to get the points for that. It is giving you moderate because of the discussion with external physician. You would need to review results of a unique test or an assessment requiring independent historian in addition to what you already have in order to satisfy requirements of the category 1.