Wiki 2014 Change in Coding for Q Codes

San Diego, CA
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Effective April 2014 the cast and splint Q codes used for supplies will be now DME codes and subject to deductibles and co-pays, from what I've heard. Does anyone know if you will have to be a DME provider in order to get reimbursed for splints and Qcodes? As we are not DME providers and this will be a huge issue. Anyone have any info on this I would really appreciate it. Thank you - Priscilla
Q codes

The cast supplies have always been subject to a deductible and copay. This is not a change. Based upon the CR sent by CMS to the carriers/MACS the Q codes for the cast materials will still be processed by the Part B carrier/MAC. From everything that I have seen you should not have to be enrolled as a DME supplier in order to bill for the cast material Q codes. The actual change is that the reimbursement will now be calculated based upon a national fee schedule instead of based upon reasonable charge based upon location. The MLN article for this is somewhat confusing the CR is a little more clear. Look for CR R2837CP.