Wiki 2013 EP Changes-How many Ablations Can a EP Bill For???


Irving, TX
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Greeting fellow certified and non-certified coders,

With the new 2013 EP changes into effect, how many ablated arrhythmias can an EP physician bill for during an ablation procedure?

Any assistance on this is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Greeting fellow certified and non-certified coders,

With the new 2013 EP changes into effect, how many ablated arrhythmias can an EP physician bill for during an ablation procedure?

Any assistance on this is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

The three primary ablation codes are:
93653 for SVT
93564 for VT
93656 for Afib

The cpt guidelines states that these are " distinct primary procedure codes and may not be reported together".

93655 and 93657 are add on codes to the primary codes and I do not see cpt guidelines that give a maximum number of separate (add on) site ablations. Time will tell if that changes.
However many separate ablations are coded, the documentation should clearly deliniate each.

HTH :)