Wiki "2 years experience"


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I have just received the CPC-A certification which requires 2 years of experience in order to remove the A from my license. Does AAPC have recommendations for getting that 2 years of experience which employers require coders to have anyway before even hiring? I did not research this profession enough before pursuing or else I would not have have touched it. Without experience, it seems there is no way to get my foot in the door. I may have to pay someone to let me code for them. Frustration!!!
I have just received the CPC-A certification which requires 2 years of experience in order to remove the A from my license. Does AAPC have recommendations for getting that 2 years of experience which employers require coders to have anyway before even hiring? I did not research this profession enough before pursuing or else I would not have have touched it. Without experience, it seems there is no way to get my foot in the door. I may have to pay someone to let me code for them. Frustration!!!

It is frustrating! I have 5+ years experience in coding. I've been a stay at home mom for the last 18 years. I decided to re-enter the workforce, so recently I studied hard to get caught up on all the changes and got my certification in May. I am now a CPC-A but still can not get a job. I have the experience but no one will give me the opportunity. I believe it is due to the "A". (someone on this forum said it was the scarlet letter)

I think the AAPC needs to let all the CPC-A's out there test out on this credential. If we pass, we get the A removed. If we don't, we keep it.
Me too!

I passed my certification exam 2 months ago and have been trying myself to get something, ANYTHING. Unfortunately the externship program offered through AAPC only has a couple in my city. I don't have any other options other than to keep applying at job posting that are asking for experience, but getting no response. It is quite frustrating!
Just passed my CPC exam early October-took it October 6th and found out October 10. Almost done with the externship and now job searching. I keep seeing that they want experience even for entry level, how the hell can we get experience if no one is hiring?
Doesn't an externship qualify as experience? Anyone have any ideas for any externships/internships in San Diego?
I graduated last year with my Associates in Health Information Technology. It took me a bit to find my first job, which was radiology coding. I moved to another state and it took me a long while again because I only had 4 months worth of experience and no certification yet. I finally found a coding position and I am now working for a physician's office and plan on getting my CPC certification early Spring. You just have to keep applying to jobs that even require years of experience, I was getting calls on those and getting interviews. Apply to everything, even receptionist jobs. I ended up getting lucky, but every medical job, even receptionist will eventually get you the experience and once you are certified you will be able to get a coding position.