Wiki 2 stage ACL repair


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Please help. I'm not a ortho coder but have been asked to help out. Need CPTs. 3 different coders have looked at the op note and all 3 have come up with different codes. Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance!

1. Left knee anterior cruciate ligament graft tear
2. Left knee medial meniscal tear
1. Left knee anterior cruciate ligament graft tear.
2. Left knee medial meniscus degenerative tear
3. Left knee lateral meniscus posterior root tear
4. Medial femoral condyle and lateral tibial plateau grade 2/3 chondromalacia
1. Left knee arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament debridement and bone grafting
2. Left knee partial medial meniscectomy
3. Left knee medial femoral condyle and lateral tibial plateau chondroplasty
FINDINGS: 1. Complete ACL rupture torn from the femoral side.2. Degenerative posterior horn medial meniscus tear but there is more than 25% of the posterior horn remaining3. Avulsion of the posterior root of the lateral meniscus4. Grade 3 chondromalacia of the medial femoral condyle which is diffuse as well as grade 3 diffuse chondromalacia of the lateral tibial plateau
INDICATIONS: is a male that 3 years ago underwent a left knee MCL and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery using allograft as well as partial medial meniscectomy. Patient states that since that surgery his knee has never felt stable. He has problems when doing sporting activities and he is very active. I order an MRI which showed a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament graft as well as a medial meniscus posterior horn tear. I explained to the patient that his physical exam was consistent with anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency and in order to improve that we'll need to do a revision anterior cruciate ligament surgery. MRI as well as x-ray showed widening of the femoral and tibial tunnel therefore I told the patient that I will do this in a 2 stage procedure. The first stage will be diagnostic scope and anterior cruciate ligament debridement along with bone grafting of the tunnels. I also will perform partial medial meniscectomy the same procedure. He will come back 3 months later for the second stage will be anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using patellar tendon autograft. Patient understands and agreed to sign surgical consent.
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:After informed consent was obtained, the patient was identified in the preop holding room. The left leg was marked and then the patient was administered a Dr. canal nerve block by Anesthesia, taken to theoperating room, laid supine on the operating table and placed under general anesthesia. The left lower extremity was then examined. The patient had the above findings on the exam under anesthesia. Patient was then prepped and draped in a normal sterile fashion. Time-out was initiated. The correct patient and procedures were identified. We then exsanguinated the leg and inflated the tourniquet. I then made anterolateral and anteromedial portals. Arthroscope was placed in the knee. The patellofemoral articular cartilage was probed and it was found to have the above-mentioned findings. Looking in the medial compartment the meniscus and articular cartilage was examined and probed. The patient had the above-mentioned findings. With the help of arthroscopic baskets and shaver I treated for portion of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. After this was done the reminder of the meniscus was probed and found to be stable. I also performed a chondroplasty using arthroscopic shaver of the iliofemoral condyle. Undermining of the cartilage rim was probed and found to be stable. In the intercondylar notch the patient had an obvious ACL tear and the stump which was identified and probed. I then went to the lateral compartment and the meniscus and articular cartilage was examined and probed. The patient had avulsion of the posterior root of the lateral meniscus. This was debrided but left intact and I will perform good repair procedure on the second stage. I performed chondroplasty of the lateral tibial plateau with the help of arthroscopic shaver. I then debrided the remnants of the ACL of the femur as well as the tibia. Then I took a radiofrequency ablator to clean off the soft tissue from the lateral femoral condyle wall as well as the ACL footprint on the tibia. After removing all the soft tissues on the lateral femoral wall and performing another notch plasty with the help of arthroscopic bur I debrided the soft tissue from inside the tunnel under visualization of the previews guidepin hole was seen on the back wall. I inserted a guide pain and retrieve it outside of the lateral knee. Then overreaming with a low-profile reaming was done until a size 12 reamer was inserted. Total length of the tunnel was measured to be 25 mm. The total diameter of the femoral tunnel measured about 20 mm in diameter. After cleaning out all the soft tissue from inside the tunnel with the arthroscopic shaver I performed microfracture along the femoral tunnel using chondral picks. Then I removed the scope from the joint and went to the back table where I made 2 bone graft bone proximal from of femoral head allograft. The 2 bone plugs measured 12 mm and 9 mm in diameter. Then I went back into the joint and retrieve the 12 mm plug in the femoral tunnel with a bone tamp and then a side-to-side 9 mm plug was inserted and again impacted with a bone tamp until adequate filling of the femoral tunnel was achieved. The remaining of the bone plugs were resected using arthroscopic shaver. Adequate femoral tunnel coverage was obtained. Then I removed the scope out of the joint and I went to the medial proximal tibia where I perform a 3 cm incision along the previously marked tibial tunnel. The tunnel was identified and removal of previews of the bone stitches was done. Then I inserted a guide pin through the tibial tunnel. I placed the scope back in the joint and with the knee flexed at 90° and the guide pin clamp with a hemostat I performed overreaming of the tibial tunnel until an 11 mm barrel reamer was inserted. After this perform a use an arthroscopic shaver to remove all soft tissue from inside the tunnel. I performed microfracture of the tibial tunnel using a chondral pick. Then I made an 11 mm bone plug and inserted in the tibia and compressed it using a bone tamp. After this perform a put some bone wax outside of the tibial tunnel. Removed the scope from inside the joint. The 2 portals were closed using a 3-0 nylon. The medial tibial incision was closed using 0 Vicryl, 2-0 Vicryl and 3-0 nylon. Sterile dressings were applied. The tourniquet was let down. The patient was placed in an IROM knee immobilizer and awoken and taken to the recovery room. He will be following the chondroplasty rehabilitation protocol.