Wiki 2 New visits same day


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Can you have 2 new visits on the same day? New preventive and low level new office visit? I have found documentation that states you can and others that state that the preventive would be new and the sick visit would be established. Any thoughts?
Office Visits

Yes can have 2 office visit but ensure dx are linked to each one. Preventive CPT use a Z00 dx code. Whereas let say patient has come back for BP medications or check of laceration or pain in left arm then add dx match these services to CPT 99213.

Hope this helps you

Lady T
It depends.

If you follow the New vs. Established rule, then you can have two New Patient visits for a patient if they both follow the following criterion:

"Individual who has not received any professional services, Evaluation and Management (E/M) service or other face-to-face service (e.g., surgical procedure) from the same physician or physician group practice (same physician specialty and subspecialty) within the previous 3 years." (Noridian).

So for example, if a patient sees a Neurologist, and then later sees an Ophthalmologist (and they are both credentialed differently), and it has been 3+ since last visit with that specialist; then they could both be New Patient Visits.

However, if the sick and preventive visits are done by the same provider/same group (or department), then I would say no. Whichever service the provider spent the most time on (Sick or Preventive) should be the "New" visit, and the other "Established". Note that some payers won't accept a sick and preventive visit done on the same day, however Correct Coding could allow it.

Hope that is helpful.