Wiki 2 new E/M visits


Chattanooga, TN
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If we see a new patient for a workers compensation injury and on the same day see the patient for a completely different problem that has nothing to do with work comp and do a separate note, can we bill 2 new patient codes? One to work comp and the other to his private insurance?
No you can't. The first visit would get the new patient code and the second would be an established patient visit, but it would be for a "new" problem. Per CPT to assign a new patient E/M the patient can not have been seen by any provider in the same practice within the past 3 years, after that initial visit the patient is considered established regardless of which carrier is billed. But a word of warning, if an auditor sees a new and established visit on the same day especially if this happens with multiple patients, they are going to wonder what is going on.