Wiki 2 E/M services, Same Day, Different Location


Casa Grande, AZ
Best answers
Is it possible for a specialty group practice to bill 2 E/M services on the same date if they are done at 2 different facilities?

For example, pt is seen as inpt consult at Hosp 1 with Dr. A. Pt is found to have acute MI and is transferred to Hosp 2 for a higher level of care. Dr. B (from the same specialty group as Dr. A) admits the pt to Hosp 2 and dictates an H &P. Can both E/M services be billed?
*Keep in mind that Hosp 1 is a small hospital not equipped to handle certain acute-care situations.

I would appreciate any insight you can provide, as this is an situation I am seeing more and more often.
Only 1 E/M

Without actually seeing the documentation from both physicians, it's hard to give you an accurate response. However ...

You'll only get one E/M out of this. You can use all the documentation to arrive at your level of service for the Admission. In your scenario Doctor B will be the billing provider.

It is possible that you may have a critical care situation (can't tell if I haven't seen the notes, however). Again, only one bill but you can combine all the time documented if both documented critical care time of 30 min or more.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC