Wiki 2 Doctors, Same Tax ID


Panama City, FL
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Good morning. I have two doctors within the same practice/same tax id/same specialty that both treated a patient on the same day. Both of my doctors want to be reimbursed for their time. One doctor saw the patient for their workers comp injury and the other saw the patient under their BCBS for an UNRELATED issue. Can we bill to both carrier for treatment on the same day under each physician for the issue they treated? I have looked up CMS guidelines but this still seems like a gray area to me and any advise would be appreciated.
Good morning. I have two doctors within the same practice/same tax id/same specialty that both treated a patient on the same day. Both of my doctors want to be reimbursed for their time. One doctor saw the patient for their workers comp injury and the other saw the patient under their BCBS for an UNRELATED issue. Can we bill to both carrier for treatment on the same day under each physician for the issue they treated? I have looked up CMS guidelines but this still seems like a gray area to me and any advise would be appreciated.

Yes--since there are 2 different issues being treated, covered by 2 different payers, you should not have any trouble getting both paid, as long as the documentation supports both visits. Each doc should have documented his/her own note for that visit. So really, there will be 2 claims, 1 going to each payer.

I completely agree! I've been faced with this scenario many times. As long as accurate documentation is on file there shouldn't be a problem :)
