Wiki 2 Discharges within 2 Days


Loganville, GA
Best answers
One of our doctors performed an outpatient admission and discharge same day at Hospital A on 4/15. Patient was transferred to Hospital B on 4/15 and went home 4/16. We are trying to bill for another discharge on 4/16 but insurance is denying. Did we bill this appropriately? Do I need a modifier to indicate 4/16 was done at a different facility?

4/15 99235
4/16 99217
CPT 99235 should not have been reported if she left the hospital on a different day. In these circumstances i would bill the observation admission code onlyat hospital A....that is probably why the insurance is denying....if your doc was admitting at hosptial b then i would bill the discharge on 4/16 at the seperate facility.

Hope that made sense and helps!
Louise CPC