Wiki 2 co surgeons and 1 assitant

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In a free flap surgery- Provider 1 harvests a free flap and passes it up to Provider 2 for reconstruction. Provider 1 also has an assistant help him with the harvest. Can Providers 1 and 2 bill with a 62 and the assistant bill with an 82? There seems to be some debate in my group on this. Thank you!
Yes. But what makes me pause, is are they doing the same procedure? Free flaps are usually in the range 15733-15738 range. Then the reconstruction is usually a different procedure. So if your saying that, YES. They are both doing and completing CPT 15733-15738 with an assist.

Go for it, but check if they take a 80/82. Think one or two doesn't.

So you'd code would look like.

CPT 157XX.62 Doc. 1
CPT 157XX.62 Doc. 2
CPT 157XX.80/82. Assistant.