Wiki 1997 Guidelines for Psychiatry/Templates


Durham, NC
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I am fairly new to E/M coding for Psychiatry and am hoping someone can give me some guidance. I have the templates from the 1997 guidelines and am feeling very comfortable with the examination part. Where I'm struggling is the History section.

On the template, both "Problem Focused" and "Expanded Problem Focused" show the first two columns of the HPI to be "Brief, 1-3 elements" and the first two columns of the PFSH to be "None". For the ROS, the first column is "None" and the second column is "1 system pertinent to the problem". Obviously, I'm not having an issue with the ROS, but I am unclear as to when the HPI and PFSH would be the first column or second column, since they are both the same.

Does that make any sense and if so, can someone give me some guideance? I don't think the documentation always supports an EPF history, but am unsure of what I am looking for to mark the first column and make it PF.

Thanks so much,