Wiki 1995 and 1997 AMA Guidelines


Modesto, CA
Best answers
I am hoping someone will help me. I am getting ready to take the cpc certification next month and starting a job with kaiser soon. The HR rep at Kaiser insisted I know the guidelines like the back of my hand. Can someone give me feedback as to how to get this information?

Thank you :)
The guidelines are available on line form numerous sources, just type in physician evaluation and management guidelines in the search bar and they will come up. You want to look only at the 1995 and 1997 versions and you can download them. Any others have been proposed but not implemented.

I am hoping someone will help me. I am getting ready to take the cpc certification next month and starting a job with kaiser soon. The HR rep at Kaiser insisted I know the guidelines like the back of my hand. Can someone give me feedback as to how to get this information?

Thank you :)

Go to the CMS website and type in 1995 E/M Guidelines and then do the same for 1997.

Good Luck,