Wiki 1995/1997 Guidelines

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I am taking the General Surgery exam and it says I am allowed to bring the 1995 and 1997 documentation guidelines. Could someone please direct me where I could find them.

Thanks :)
I am taking the General Surgery exam and it says I am allowed to bring the 1995 and 1997 documentation guidelines. Could someone please direct me where I could find them.

Thanks :)

I just Google CMS 1995 e&m guidelines usually it's one of the first results and it's listed as PDF document in the search results. next search look for cms 1997 E&M guidelines


I require 5 CEU's before 30th of this month. Please suggest me the Low cost websites

it's considered rude in Internet forums to ask an unrelated question in someone else thread. I suggest going to the main forum page and there is a CEU section that would be the best place to pose this question
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