Wiki 18 week fetal demise delivered vaginally


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I have a question on how to code a vaginal delivery @ 18 wks.

Pt presents w/bleeding, 4cm w/SROM when she arrived.

Baby A delivered vaginally, placenta delivered 10 minutes later, Baby B delivered vaginally, placenta was delivered spontaneously w/administration of 400 mg Cytotec PO. Both fetus non-viable.

I know you can not code a delivery because she was not 20 wks. I am thinking that all I can bill out is an E/M code.

(She was seen for 4 prenatal visits in the office)

Thanks in advance!
if the patient is seen 4+ times you can bill for the 59425, antepartum care 4-6 visits. In the case that the patient had three or less office visits at that time you would bill out individual office visits. Hope this helps!
Hi Mary
I've got the same situation today .... a 17 week delivery non-viable. I have an ACOG chart that indicates to use E/M code prior to 20 weeks 0 days. Likely the Subsequent Hospital Care E/M.

I would bill the antepartum on a separate claim.
