Looking for help with a cryo question. I have been getting edits from my billing department about CPT codes 17000 and 17003- it doesn't seem to matter if there is an E/M level or not. I am getting "Viewed CPT 17000 on Vitalware and see it's paid separately." It sounds like they are looking for a modifier for the 17000 but that doesn't sound right to me. Any suggestions/ideas/solutions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Looking for help with a cryo question. I have been getting edits from my billing department about CPT codes 17000 and 17003- it doesn't seem to matter if there is an E/M level or not. I am getting "Viewed CPT 17000 on Vitalware and see it's paid separately." It sounds like they are looking for a modifier for the 17000 but that doesn't sound right to me. Any suggestions/ideas/solutions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!