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Hubertus, WI
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Our doctor saw pt in the ER...DX: metal fitting on penile shaft...Procedure: metal fitting cut in 2 places with air powered rotary grinder and then was able to be removed

Thoughts on how this should be billed ??

Our doctor saw pt in the ER...DX: metal fitting on penile shaft...Procedure: metal fitting cut in 2 places with air powered rotary grinder and then was able to be removed

Thoughts on how this should be billed ??


This calls for a query. Upon reading, it appears as though this is an injury. Was the patient using a grinder and cut him/herself in two places? Was a metal piece embedded in the shaft and had to be removed?
If so, code the injury, cause of injury, activity, place of injury. The documentation is very skimpy and I would query first.
Wow, I did not expect that...

Try this code, S30.842A with W49.09XA and the appropriate external cause codes.
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There is currently no CPT code for this type of removal or entrapment. Your only choice is to utilize the appropriate level of E&M code 99201-99215 with the, hopefully well documented, medical decision making driving the level. I realize a specific CPT for the removal was wanted. I liken it to the removal of a ring from a finger. There is not a procedure code for this common occurance.