Wiki 11720 and 11721 denials


Baltimore, MD
Best answers
I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing denials for 11720 -11721 reported with B35.1, M79.674, M79.675 without the Q modifier? Im receiving denials from Medicare for my Podiatrist in Kansas stating changes have been made to LCD policy L36404, which I am aware of. However, according to group 3 on the LCD the billing is correct. Is there another way to bill this claim?

Please assist.

Thank in advance.
I experience this as well. Unfortunately, it is not a covered service by Medicare (check your local carrier). I add Q7,Q8 or Q9 if applicable. Also, I have had sucess as using L60.2 as the primary diagnosis, when the diagnosis is listed by the providing physicial, of course. See the LCD's for 11720, 11721 for primary diagnosis codes that are accepted.

Good Luck!
I'm having same issue with & without Q modifier.