Wiki 11400 denial


Southmayd, TX
Best answers
Insurance is denying code saying this has an age range from 0-20. Can someone please tell me where in the code book this is stated? I looked and don't see it.

Insurance is denying code saying this has an age range from 0-20. Can someone please tell me where in the code book this is stated? I looked and don't see it.

Hi ,
description of the code is
Excision, benign lesion including margins, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; excised diameter 0.5 cm or less
I agree with twizzle. These codes pair and there are no age restrictions. I would make a call to the payor. If all else is clean and correct on the claim, this sounds like a insurance processing error.
I think there could be something else going on here. What are the demographics on the claim? How old is the patient? Were there any other CPT or diagnoses on the claim? Was the place of service office? It's difficult to answer this type question without more info. Was what was entered in the billing system definitely what went out on the claim?
If it was a sebaceous cyst was it really excision (full-thickness (through the dermis) removal) for sure or was it I&D?