Wiki 112.84-Candidal Esophagitis


Leesburg, AA
Best answers
Has anyone used this code before?

We are looking to see what documentation may be necessary to support this code...throat culture, esophagoscopy?

If a patient comes in with thrush (112.0) and it is visible to the eye that the thrush is down the back of the throat, would that be enough to suppory the 112.84? Looking for thoughts on this one...

Thank you! :D
In most cases the diagnosis is established based on response to therapy. Patients in whom esophageal candidiasis is suspected should receive a brief course of antifungal therapy with fluconazole. If the infection resolves after treatment with fluconazole, then the diagnosis of esophageal candidiasis is made and no further investigation is needed. However, if the infection persists or if there are other factors involved which may warrant further investigation, then patient will undergo an esophagogastroduodenoscopy if it is safe to do so. Endoscopy often reveals classic diffuse raised plaques that characteristically can be removed from the mucosa by the endsocope. Brushing or biopsy of the plaques shows yeast and pseudohyphae by histology that are characteristic of Candida species.