
  1. M

    Wiki Z34.XX vs Z36

    When should Z36, encounter for antenatal screening of mother, codes be used? I'm not understanding the difference between Z34.XX and Z36 codes. In what situation would both be used vs just Z34XX. A lot of our OB providers with code both Z36.89 and Z34.XX. It seems like Z34.XX covers most...
  2. M

    Wiki OB Coding Z34 vs O09.9

    I'm stuck on this and I can't find a definitive answer anywhere. A routine prenatal encounter requires a Z34 code unless a code from chapter 15 is used. If a code from chapter 15 is used does it automatically make it a high risk pregnancy? For example if a O21.9 dx is coded then what is the...
  3. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  4. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  5. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  6. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  7. S

    Wiki Z3A Codes

    Can a Z3A code be the primary/only diagnosis??
  8. K

    Wiki z34 and gestational codes

    In the 2015 icd 10 book I have it says that gestational codes go with only Chapter 15 codes. Someone has brought to my attention in the icd 10 2016 book it's says you can have gestational codes with z34 codes? Is this correct. Thank you, April