
  1. A

    Wiki Telemed Change

    I was wondering if anyone can tell me if billing for phone calls has changed recently? Insurance recently has started denying our telemeds. we were using modifier GT but it looks like the insurance my possibly want it billed as an office visit with a 95 modifier. Have there been changes to any...
  2. P

    Wiki Office Visits via video

    First question, is an office appointment that is conducted via video still considered a face-to-face appointment? Second question, the patient is in the office, but the physician is in another state conducting the appointment via video. I believe this would still be billed with modifier 95, but...
  3. C

    Wiki MA Performing Physical Exam via Telehealth

    I work at a third party billing company as a medical coder and biller. It has come to my attention that one of our clients has been "performing" physical exams in a way I've never heard of. My manager says this is completely okay to do, but I'm just wanting to make sure. So... The provider in...
  4. D

    Wiki telemedicine billing for insurance/medicaid, patient located out of state

    Good afternoon all, Was just wondering what leeway we have with a situation like this. A patient had a telemedicine visit with one of our providers and notified us after the appointment that they were located out of state. Are we still able to bill insurance/Colorado medicaid for this...
  5. J

    Wiki Telehealth Group Therapy

    Hello- I work for a Medicaid only outpatient school based behavioral health agency in WA state. With summer approaching, we do a lot of group therapy with students which we have made in person only because out interpretation is that it was not billable via telehealth. There is some debate...
  6. C

    Wiki Telehealth

    Hi... We're looking for help for a United Health Commercial member. Our patient had a telephone only visit with our physician in January 2022. We used CPT code G2012 only, as we used all of 2021. Our claim has been denied multiple times, and United is telling us that we need to use a primary...
  7. L

    Wiki Audio only-code descriptor question

    Hello, I am questioning the audio only codes 99441-99443. Since the pandemic there have been a lot of waivers, and leniencies. I have heard both sides in regards to code descriptor and struggling. Providers want to use these audio only codes as follow up visits without patient initiation, just...
  8. B


    I have an office who is wanting to do only telemedicine visits, even after COVID. They are a regular outpatient provider office. The will be "seeing patients" on telemedicine visits that are in Skilled Nursing Facilities. Do we use POS 11 , 02 or 31? Do we use outpatient provider E&M codes...
  9. B

    Wiki Telemedicine in Hospital Setting

    Anyone performing telemedicine visits as the role of a hospitalist? I'm looking for very specific info....we would like to contract with a hospital and have them pay us a flat rate for our services (diabetes management). The issue is how does the hospital itself get reimbursed for the services...
  10. M

    Wiki multiple telephone only appts

    What would you do in this scenario? I have a provider that has done phone only visits with a patient every 5 days. Since guidelines for phone only services state "They may not be provided if they are in follow-up for a visit within the past 7 days, or if they result in a visit in the next 24...
  11. SuzanBerman

    Wiki Q3014

    Can anyone give some advice for how to bill the Q3014? What payers recognize it? How should it be illustrated on a claim form? Greatly appreciate any insight!
  12. K

    Wiki Telehealth Scenario - Video to phone

    Hello, Do you know how our providers would code if they are attempting a virtual video visit, but technology fails (video freezing, poor connection, etc.) and the provider has to finish the visit via telephone? I have communicated that the provider would have to use the phone codes at that...
  13. K

    Wiki Telehealth Scenario

    Hello, Do you know how our providers would code if they are attempting a virtual video visit, but technology fails (video freezing, poor connection, etc.) and the provider has to finish the visit via telephone? I have communicated that the provider would have to use the phone codes at...
  14. Z


    We are an Infectious Disease group. The doctors see patients at the hospital. Due to the supply shortages (protective equipment and testing kits) at the hospitals in NYS at the moment some visits with the patients being seen for COVID-19 r/o are not able to undergo a proper physical. The doctors...

    Wiki New Patients Telehealth

    Has anyone seen anything about the waiver allowing providers to see new patients via Telehealth?
  16. N

    Wiki Telehealth Billing

    I am wondering if anyone has any guidance or recommendation on billing virtual telecommunication visits? How to bill (codes, modifiers, ect...)? Payer reimbursement? Any information would help! Thanks in advance for any information!
  17. N

    Wiki Telecommunication Billing

    I am wondering if anyone has any guidance or recommendation on billing virtual telecommunication visits? How to bill (codes, modifiers, ect...)? Payer reimbursement? Any information would help! Thanks in advance for any information!
  18. B

    Wiki Telemedicine - mental health

    Hello everyone! I have a mental health provider (LCSW in an office setting in the Chicago suburbs) who insists Medicare changed the rules and will now allow her to bill telemedicine because her friends in NYC are billing and getting paid. Does the rural area rule no longer apply? How about...
  19. B

    Wiki Telemedicine Telehealth Denials Aetna Texas

    Hi all, This is my first time posting, so I hope I'm in the right forum and also not repeating someone else's question. This question is specifically for Aetna in Texas but any feedback is appreciated. I am getting no where fast when trying to get reimbursement from Aetna for Televisits...
  20. C

    Wiki Triage telephonically by physician

    Please tell me what the CPT code is for when Triage is performed over the phone, meaning telephonically. Scenerio: worker gets injured, calls 800 number for a telemedicine company that performs triage and emergent care. Injured worker speaks to an ER doctor who tells them to apply hot pack, take...
  21. C

    Wiki Carolyn Williams

    Please tell me what the CPT code is for when Triage is performed over the phone, meaning telephonically. Scenerio: worker gets injured, calls 800 number for a telemedicine company that performs triage and emergent care. Injured worker speaks to an ER doctor who tells them to apply hot pack...
  22. R

    Wiki If a code requires 'face-to-face' does this mean you can't perform it over phone?

    If a code such as CPT 90876 requires 'face-to-face with patient' does this mean you can't perform it over the phone/telemedicine?
  23. M

    Wiki Telemedicine and Phone Only Visit

    Is it appropriate for a provider who had a phone only visit with a patient, visit scheduled by patient as phone only telemedicine visit for sinusitis, scheduled visit initiated by the provider at appointment time, to bill an E&M (99213) and add a GT to indicate this was a telemedicine visit vs...
  24. E

    Wiki Telemedicine

    Has anyone had experience coding for Telemedicine? Looking for any input and codes that you have used.
  25. M

    Wiki Billing for Telemedicine

    I have a question regarding billing for Telemedicine. My primary care health provider is looking at doing Telemedicine. We are looking at doing it for Maryland residents (as we are a Maryland practice) and I have already done some research into which insurance providers do allow billing for...