risk table

  1. D

    Wiki Risk for a preop

    Our pediatricians are seeing patient's for a preop, they are not billing the visits as consultation visits, but billing as an E&M visit, and they think their risk should be Moderate. One provider stated they are not deciding on the surgery, but they ARE approving the patients for anesthesia...
  2. C

    Wiki Infectious Disease Table of Risk?

    Is there a separate table of risk for different Specialties? For example infectious disease? Or is it the generic table of risk?
  3. C

    Wiki Rx management in the ED/ EM Risk Table

    OK...there seems to be some disagreement within my office on Rx Drug Management. The case is: An emergency room provider orders 1 Norco for a patient while he is being assessed in the ED but does not prescribe any long term pain meds on discharge. Some are saying simply ordering the 1 dose is...
  4. C

    Wiki Help please! Transferred patient MDM

    Please help ASAP. Patient seen in ER and transferred to another facility. What is the Management Options to determine the MDM of this? Is it moderate like an IP/OP Admit or does it rate a High? Thanks in advance!
  5. M

    Wiki Cardioversions / Ablations: where do they fall on the E/M risk table?

    Where do cardioversions and cardiac ablations fall on the E/M medical decision making level of risk table? I asked an auditor recently and she said she thought "maybe" these should be in the high risk procedure section. The high level of risk procedure table includes "cardiac...
  6. A

    Wiki TPN Risk Level?

    Where does TPN fall on the Risk Table? The physicians I work for write orders for TPN and I am not sure if it falls under moderate or high. Thanks!!!
  7. A

    Wiki TPN Risk Level?

    Where does TPN fall on the Risk Table? The physicians I work for write orders for TPN and I am not sure if it falls under moderate or high. Thanks!!!
  8. A

    Wiki Rheumatoid Arthritis: is it considered a High risk on the Risk Table?

    Would Rheumatoid Arthritis be considered a chronic illness on the high risk portion of the risk table? other examples of high risk illness would be helpful as well. Thank you