procedural coding

  1. C

    Wiki OP report vs procedure performed

    Are you able to code a procedure that is described in the body of the OP-report but is not listed as a procedure performed section of the report?
  2. E

    Wiki Postop Diagnosis code?

    Hello! The patient came in for a hysterectomy. The operative report list the diagnosis as: Preoperative Diagnosis: Carcinoma In-Situ of Exocervix - D06.1 Postoperative Diagnosis: Same I remember from my education that we should not code the Procedure until the Pathology Report was available...
  3. J

    Wiki Interoffice procedure

    I have just started coding for a OB doctor who does interoffice procedures. He only states that this CPT code was completed with no other documentation. I am having trouble finding information which states the requirements for billing for a procedure. I am pretty sure it comes from Office of...