
  1. B

    Wiki Active Labor Transfer

    Ok I'm having trouble with these and am getting conflicting advice. Two hypothetical scenarios; 1. 38 wk pregnant pt comes to our ED with contractions, not yet dilated. Dr describes her contractions as "irregular" and states she's "not yet in active labor". We send her home and tell her to...
  2. H

    Wiki ICD-10-CM Coding Question

    There is a patient I am coding for with a personal history of demise of monochorionic twin gestation at 32 weeks, and I am trying to decide whether to use Z87.59 or O09.292. Would either of these codes work, would one work better than the other, or could they possibly work together?
  3. B

    Wiki Transgender Pregnancy

    Has anyone ever had to code for a transgender pregnancy? The patient is Female to Male. I see CMS rules state to attach modifier KX to the delivery code but I'm having a hard time finding much out there specifically about this scenario. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Wondering if...
  4. L

    Wiki Help question?

    Patient is 25 weeks and 5 days pregnant. She was seen by OBGYN Doc in office for evaluation of her gestational diabetes. Her glucose levels required that she be placed on insulin. what is/are appropriate ICD-10 CM code(s)? O24.414 Z3A.25?? ??
  5. M

    Wiki Pregnancy Code Usage

    Our facility has a debate on when O995** codes should be assigned. For example, pregnant patient, 18 weeks, presents with nasal congestion, headache and ear fullness...denies any cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, chills, dizziness, or changes in bowel or bladder function. Provider...
  6. M

    Wiki ICD-10 for Pregnancy NOS

    Hello everyone! Which code to use for Pregnancy NOS Z33.01 or Z34.90 for Texas Medicaid? Thanks everyone!!
  7. R

    Wiki Sequelae o94

    I would like to hear from you about the time limit to using o94 icd. Why or why not? is it appropriate to code o94 as secondary dx at a gyn visit if the problem relates to discomfort/lesion/granuloma of a vaginal laceration that occurred during delivery 6 months ago?
  8. M

    Wiki icd 10 obgyn

    Using the Z34.0- & Z34.8-, if a patient had a miscarriage but is now pregnant again, would I use the Z34.0- code or the Z34.8-?
  9. M

    Wiki bartholin cyst in pregnancy

    whats the codes for bartholin cyst in pregnancy
  10. A

    Wiki pregnancy and MAT

    Hello, I work for a FQHC that provides OB care and MAT for opioid use disorder sometimes in the same visit. Coding these is very challenging as many pt are not seen on a regular schedule but can be seen as walk ins. Can anyone offer any advice on how they are coding pregnancy and MAT? Thanks...
  11. B

    Wiki Advanced Maternal Age

    Hello, If a patient is 35 years of age but the provider doesn't pull in the AMA diagnosis and doesn't document the advanced age as a concern can you still list the diagnosis because the patient is age 35 or older? Or do you leave it off because the provider hasn't documented it. Thanks in...
  12. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  13. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  14. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  15. C

    Wiki Z34.- vs Z36.-

    Can someone please provide me with some more information regarding the use of Z34.- (Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy) versus the use of Z36.- (Encounter for antenatal screening of mother), and when it would be appropriate to assign on versus the other? I cannot seem to find...
  16. K

    Wiki Confirmation of pregnancy/ Patient seen in the ER

    We had a patient recently who was seen in the ER, where they confirmed her 24wks pregnant. She came to the office requesting prenatal care. The provider is wanting to charge an office visit due to the full work up and medical history being reviewed. If the ER confirmed pregnancy, should we...
  17. K

    Wiki Is this fraud??? Help!!! :(

    This might belong in the coding forum, but I'm just going to post this here. So something has come up at my place of employment and I'm wondering if this could be insurance fraud. I'm certain it is, but I'm looking for other insight. I was reviewing some A/R and we have some really old unpaid...
  18. B

    Wiki Post-Term Pregnancy DX

    There seems to be a debate here in my office about the use of O48.0 for post-term. If the record indicates that the patient is 40/3, they are wanting to use that code. I am reading the definition of that code as "Pregnancy over 40 COMPLETED weeks to 42 completed weeks". Meaning the patient has...
  19. S

    Wiki Pregnancy condition ruled out diagnosis

    Hi. Can anyone please help me with the principal diagnosis for my inpatient OB case? I am not familiar with coding OB charts. A 34 wk preggie came in due to N&V and contractions, intact membranes, and admitted d/t N&V and to r/o decreased fetal movement and preterm labor. She was given...
  20. K

    Wiki How to bill assistant surgeons- OBGYM

    Hey all, I am just needing verification how to bill an assistant at surgery.. my thoughts are either 59409,80; 59514,80; 59612,80; 59620,80 (depending on the situation/documentation). Any input is greatly appreciated. **actually just verified that the 80 modifier is only allowed on 59514...
  21. S

    Wiki Z3A Codes

    Can a Z3A code be the primary/only diagnosis??
  22. E

    Wiki Prenatal Coding (Commercial Insurance)

    Hi all - we have a patient who presented one time in the office for prenatal care. She was previously seen by another provider at a different office for her prenatal visits but when her insurance changed she was told she wouldn't be able to see the other doctor, so she came to us. However, after...
  23. W

    Wiki Icd 10 for 2 vessel cord ultrasound & maternal history codes

    Hello, I am new to OB coding and really could use some input. We have several patients receiving serial ultrasounds and BPPs recommended by Maternal-Fetal Medicine due to dx of 2vessel cord. Of course there is no exact ICD10 code for this condition for maternal care. I've looked at 2...
  24. S

    Wiki RH Negative in Pregnancy icd-10 Code?

    What code would you give a RH NEGATIVE for pregnancy?
  25. D

    Wiki Pregnancy Complication or Not??

    Hello, This forum has been such a huge help for me as a brand new coder! I am hoping that someone here can help me. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around coding pregnancy complications. For example, a pregnant woman came in with hyperemesis and dehydration. The H&P lists GERD...
  26. V

    Wiki Delivery ICD10 Codes

    How would you code a normal vaginal delivery when the patient had gestational diabetes during the pregnancy?
  27. M

    Wiki 2nd Trimester Pregnancy

    Hi! I have a note for a patient who was seen in the ER for severe abdominal pain. I am wondering what category I should look under since it isn't Z3A (weeks of gestation) or Z34 (supervision of pregnancy). Do I code it as pregnant state, incidental? The diagnoses listed are RUQ abdominal pain...
  28. T

    Wiki probable false-positive test

    I'm trying to determine appropriate diagnosis code for this ill visit. Is it simply Z34.82, supervision of other normal pregnancy, since provider states "probable" false-positive? Will insurance accept the Z code as reason for an ill visit? Or is there a more precise code to describe the reason...
  29. M

    Wiki OB global vs office visit

    My understanding of OB is that if a pt is pregnant, there are 3 possibilities with regards to coding encounter. 1. Incidental - condition is not affecting the pregnancy - Office visit code used. 2. Routine antepartum visit - global billing place holder 59400PP is used and Dx Z34.- and Z3A.-...
  30. J

    Wiki Twin pregnancy, both breech

    How do you code a twin pregnancy, both babies are breech? Do you code O32.1xx1 and then O32.1xx2; coding for each fetus?
  31. P

    Wiki Coding - Pregnancy with poor weight gain of pt

    I have been searching and search to find a code for a PN pt. that came in for routine PN care and the doc thinks that she is having poor weight gain in her pregnancy:confused:
  32. T

    Wiki UTI ; Threatened Abortion

    The Dr. gave diagnosis of: -UTI -Threatened Abortion Is it alright to code it 637.70 Abortion, unspecified as to completion or legality, with other specified complications ? Because in the index i found "infection -> urinary (tract) -> with -> abortion" and it says "see Abortion, by type, with...