physical exam

  1. T

    Wiki What are considered Medicare b Auxiliary Personnel for welcome to Medicare physical and risk assessment

    Hi Folx, We are a HIV/LGBTQ+ integrated care clinic who is partially funded by grants. We have received a grant that focuses on people living with HIV who are becoming eligible for Medicare b. The grant specifically focuses on the Welcome to Medicare physical and risk assessment. The grant...
  2. A

    How to bill Pre-employment Physical exam?

    Can someone explain how to bill for a pre-employment physical exam? Do any insurance companies cover this? I have a patient who came in for a pre-employment physical exam required for her admission into a nursing program. Is it appropriate to bill using code 99499 with diagnosis code Z02.1?
  3. C

    Wiki MA Performing Physical Exam via Telehealth

    I work at a third party billing company as a medical coder and biller. It has come to my attention that one of our clients has been "performing" physical exams in a way I've never heard of. My manager says this is completely okay to do, but I'm just wanting to make sure. So... The provider in...
  4. T

    Wiki Physical exam in a Telehealth visit

    Does anyone have information about documenting physical exam for established patient telehealth visits billable using 99201-99215? It would seem a limited exam could be documented based on physician observations during the call. I know it isn't technically required (2/3 elements and all that)...
  5. G

    Wiki Required Physician EXAM for future billable events?

    Hello, I'd like some input from the E/M experts. Our coders were given a directive that if the Physician does not perform a Physical exam on the Initial consultation OR any other established face to face visit such as a 'weekly status check' during course of treatment, then any and all follow...
  6. F

    Wiki Absent/Removed organs: do we credit bullets in the Physical Exam?

    Hi everyone, I need a CMS, AMA or other official reference source for the above question. I found an article in the Supercoder website stating: "If your physician examines a patient who has had an organ removed, you can still count that organ toward the physical exam or review of systems (ROS)...