
  1. F

    Wiki Coding P55.0 and P55.1

    What is considered clear documentation for coding ABO and Rh incompatibility? Does the MD have to give the blood types and/or state Coombs positive or negative test results? If the result is negative do I still code the finding?
  2. E

    Wiki 99477 - Newborn Transfer of Care

    Hello, Is it appropriate to charge 99477 when a baby is born, admitted, and transferred to a different facility on the same day? We are a CAH and deliver many babies but do not have a NICU, so we sometimes have to transfer newborns to a facility with a higher level of care. The provider does...
  3. A

    Wiki Newborn NAS on mophine...considered critical care?

    Good morning- If a newborn (28 days) is being treated in the nicu for NAS (neonatal withdrawal syndrome) with morphine, and no other issues...should it still be coded as critical care? And if so, is there anywhere to find any confirmation (CMS website?) that it should be coded as such? Or...
  4. M

    Wiki Breech Baby Code

    Hi, I have a newborn who was Breech up until a week before delivery where a successful version was done. Usually for breech babies I use the code P03.0 for Newborn affected by breech delivery and extraction. However, this baby had a normal delivery. The pedi wants to do an ultrasound for Hip...
  5. P

    Wiki 92586 Newborn Hearing Screening POS

    We are a group audiologists who provide newborn hearing screenings in several hospitals before the infant is discharged. Some payers include our services in the DRG even though we are not employed by the facility nor do we use any of their staff, equipment or supplies. Do we have to use POS 21...
  6. B

    Wiki Frequency of 99462

    Does anyone know if you can bill 99462 for day 3 inpatient care and beyond?
  7. K

    Wiki Breastfed baby needing Vitamin D drops

    I am a new coder and I was wondering if I can get some advice on a diagnosis coding issue. A newborn patient was recently seen by one of our providers and the doctor wanted to prescribe Vitamin D drops to prevent any Vitamin D deficiency within the baby. His reasoning is that because the baby...
  8. M

    Wiki New born Coding

    What is the exact code for unspecified phimosis in newborn ?
  9. L

    Wiki Medicaid Denials - Newborn Daily Visits

    It appears that my office is receiving denials for CPT code 99462 & 99239 when matched with ICD-10 Z00.110 (health check for newborn under 8 days). Does anyone have another diagnosis that might be more appropriate?
  10. B

    Wiki Initial Newborn Coding

    The newborn was fine at birth, but developed problems 3-4 hours later. Our provider wrote his note at age 6 hours and said the baby had respiratory distress. Another provider from the same group saw the baby and wrote her note at age 8 hours, describing critical care treatment. She felt the...
  11. L

    Wiki New Born Transferred V-Code

    A new born in a hospital (V30.0) is transferred to an acute regional hospital. Should they also use V30.0 on the UB? or something different - perhaps V30.1? Maybe V39.0? Thanks, Lin