nerve conduction

  1. E

    Wiki What CPT for Thoracic Paraspinal EMG w/ NCS?

    Hi - I'm newer to coding Nerve Conduction Studies and EMGs and have questions about codes the provider selected: 95911 for NCS, and 95886, 95885 and 95869 for EMG My main question has to do with 95869 EMG thoracic paraspinal muscles (excluding T1 or T12). If I understand this section in the CPT...
  2. S

    Wiki Nerve Conduction Studies and EMG

    Has anyone had the following deny do to medical necessity? I have verified that the all the dx codes used are on the current Medicare LCD and have checked using Encorder Pro that there are no CCI edits. However, these claims keep rejecting. I am on the phone with Medicare right now waiting to...