mdm leveling

  1. J

    Wiki MDM Grid

    Hi all! I'm relatively new to behavioral health coding and am looking for E&M resources for both outpatient office visits and inpatient psych (for profee). I've been told by co-workers, who work in other specialties, that they've found adapted MDM grids more geared to their specialty. Does...
  2. J

    Wiki Independent Historian: Spouse

    I'm currently reviewing a case where a new patient is downplaying the severity of his current issue, infection of big toe, and denying any other current health issues to the provider. His wife is documented as stating that the patient has diabetes and high blood pressure, has had several cases...
  3. K

    Wiki Medical Oncology Medical Decision Making

    Does anyone have any good resources for medical oncology MDM? My organization could really use something that outlines which treatment options help support high MDM. Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  4. J

    Wiki Vancomycin and High Risk MDM

    I'm curious if IV Vancomycin would generally be classified under "Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity" in the table of risk? From what I've read in trying to do some research, trough levels are monitored for concentration of the drug in the patient's system for efficacy...
  5. alvesey

    Wiki Documentation Needed for Medication Review When No Changes Are Needed

    A doctor in one of our clinics notes "0 Change" next to the medication listed on the paper E/M tool. We believe we were down-coded in an audit because of this, but cannot find any documentation of what is specifically necessary to show that he does review the medications and in the auditor's...