
  1. J

    Wiki Bariatric Surgery

    Please help me code for this OP report Thank you OPERATION PERFORMED: 1. Diagnostic laparoscopy. 2. Laparoscopic omentectomy. 3. Laparoscopic gastric wedge resection. 4. Multiple intraabdominal biopsies. 5. Laparoscopic band and port removal. 6. Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions...
  2. K

    Wiki Bladder Flap Adhesion's

    I need some help with coding a procedure. I have coded 58660, but my coding is being questioned. I am being told I should have coded 49329 due to the adhesion's being bladder flap adhesion's, so I really need a 2nd opinion. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
  3. V

    Wiki Exploratory lap with lysis of adhesion help

    Hi guys Dr performed exploratory lap with lysis of adhesions but he only temp closed the abdomen with wound vac because he wanted to have a second look in 24 hours. So the next day he brought the patient in again and did another exploratory lap with closure of the abdomen. would I code day one...