
  1. C

    Wiki 19101 or 19110

    Not sure about this code. Attention was turned to the left breast . An elliptical incision was made in the nipple of the left breast . The specimen was dissected out sharply using palpation as a guide. The specimen was not oriented and submitted to pathology. There was noted to be residual...
  2. R

    Wiki Help with Coding Peripheral

    Can I get some help coding this procedure. PROCEDURE PERFORMED: 1. Abdominal aortography at the renals 2. Abdominal aortography with limited run-offs 3. Right lower extremity runoff via left groin access 4. Left lower extremity distal runoffs via left groin access. 4. Catheter positioning...
  3. P

    Wiki clarify new radiology xray code HIPS

    On the New hip/pelvis codes 73501-73523 with the description is "when" pelvis is performed. I'm rejecting reports back to the radiologist but this wording "when" has left me questioning the pelvis does not have to be done.
  4. D

    Wiki billing 32480 with 64620?

    64620 (destruction of intercostal nerve) is a CCI edit 1 with CPT 34280 (lobectomy), but can’t find any information re: under what circumstances is a modifier 59 appropriate? MD cryo-ablated 4 nerves. The cardiothoracic coding companions “average procedure” description does not include...
  5. J

    Wiki Help! New to Ortho Coding!

    OK... So I have determined to use 25320 for the Left scapholunate interossous ligament repair. What about the other code? TIA!! PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: 1. Left radial styloid fracture. 2. Left scapholunate interosseous ligament tear with DISI deformity. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: 1. Left...
  6. T

    Wiki level 2 or 3??

    I am only getting a level 2 out of this??? what are everyone's thought of this?? am I missing something to make it a level 3??? I only see 3 elements on the hpi I got expanded HISTORY complete ros I got a DETAILED EXAM complete pfsh...
  7. B

    Wiki need help coding

    CLINICAL INDICATIONS Retrograde right sided aortoiliac dissection. CLINICAL HISTORY...
  8. codegirl0422

    Wiki biceps tenotomy

    I am having a problem coming up with the right code for a biceps tenotomy. PROCEDURE PERFORMED: 1. Diagnostic and surgical arthroscopy left shoulder with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. 2. Left shoulder arthroscopic biceps tenotomy. I have seen some say to code as unlisted 29999. also...
  9. T

    Wiki sequela of fracture or pain code?

    I'm uncertain whether to code sequela of fracture or just pain code (provider's dx) for this encounter. Does the provider need to clearly state that the pain is a result of an injury to use the sequela code, or is the information below enough to support that it is (or am I making an assumption)...
  10. T

    Wiki Latarjet with remplissage open

    WOULD YOU CODE AS 23466??? PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left shoulder instability, anterior/posterior. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left shoulder instability, anterior/posterior. PROCEDURES PERFORMED: 1. Left shoulder arthroscopy. Left shoulder open Latarjet procedure. Left shoulder extensive...
  11. C

    Wiki Aortagram with run-off PTCA of the left lower extremity

    I am confused as to what codes are to be used for this procedure. Please help. Non-Selective Angiography, distal infrarenal abdominal aorta Selective Angiography, first-order vessel of the left common iliac artery Selective Angiography, first-order vessel of the right common iliac artery...
  12. N

    Wiki coding

    we billed these codes for angiography and the 36247 was denied by BCBS stating Experimental/Investigational. Corporate Medical policy 6.01.15 intravascular brachytherapy. We just did an angiography. Are there code changes? Any help will be appreciated INDICATION: Intermittent claudication, left...
  13. T

    Wiki Help coding s/p lumpectomy, here for med refill

    I'm confused about principal diagnosis for this encounter in which pt comes for refill of medication, s/p lumpectomy. I've read the admonitions not to give the patient what she no longer has, but if she's still under treatment for it...?? Provider's brief note below and dx code he chose...
  14. M

    Wiki Optical coherence tomography for renal vessels

    Guys, I don't see a temporary code for OCT for vessels other than coronary....do you know of any other temporary codes for this scenario? Next over the 0.014 wire, the OCT system was advanced into the left renal artery via the Flexor sheath, which was advanced to the origin of the left renal...
  15. J

    Wiki Which CPT codes would be used?

    My surgeon did a surgery which appears to be a co-surgery with the GYN. The patient had a large mass that was attached to the colon, as well as the ovary. They both have documented their portions. The following is my surgeon's portion. If someone could look at this and help me with some codes it...
  16. J

    Wiki Amerigroup disenrollment

    My medical practice is enrolled with Amerigroup to see patients at 4 locations. We wish to disenroll at a few of the locations and continue seeing patients at some of the others . Does anyone know if that is possible? I have left multiple message with the Provider Enrollment Department at...
  17. H

    Wiki left hemicolectomy?

    For a left hemicolectomy what is the cpt code?
  18. J

    Wiki Help needed for codes for this surgery!!

    My surgeon did a surgery which appears to be a co-surgery with the GYN. The patient had a large mass that was attached to the colon, as well as the ovary. They both have documented their portions. The following is my surgeon's portion. If someone could look at this and help me with some codes...
  19. J

    Wiki J3301 - associated tenderness

    Hello everyone- Im just wondering some input on how you would code this? My main concern is the kenalog. I currently bill at a neurology clinic and me & the other biller do not agree on how to code the J3301. Would love to hear what my fellow members think? Thank-You in advance =) Procedures...
  20. T

    Wiki can we bill an office visit with the injection??

    Chief Complaints: 1. Bilateral hip. HPI: Appointment type: Established patient - Established problem Patient returns for the MRI results of both hips. She denies any other complaints . ROS: Unchanged from 12/16/2015. Medical History: Infection, headaches...
  21. R

    Wiki Problems with deciding whether a modifer 50 should be used or right and left

    I have noticed that different insurance companies are requiring right and left when performing bilateral procedures vs the 50 modifier (bilateral procedure). Does anyone have documentation on what Tricare demands? I cannot get an answer from them. Would appreciate any help you can give me...
  22. P

    Wiki djd knee dx

    question: report states "DJD left knee"... I have been coding as M17.12, but my supervisor says that is should be M17.9 for unspecified. I disagree, on the thought that it says left knee, and if it does not state either primary or secondary, it defaults to primary.....any help would he...
  23. W

    Wiki Need Help - I need help on coding this procedure

    I need help on coding this procedure please. Can I code for the catheter placement in the SFA? I have codes 36246,37184,37185,37211, 75630-26. thank you in advance for your help CLINICAL DATA: PREVIOUS VASCULAR SURGERY, BILATERAL LOWER EXTREMITY ISCHEMIA ABDOMINAL AORTOGRAM WITH BILATERAL...
  24. B

    Wiki two different doctors perform procedure same day- need help

    CLINICAL INDICATIONS This is a 53 years old noninsulin dependent diabetic, hypertensive, hyperlipidemic black male who is an active smoker. He was admitted to the hospital with chest discomfort, palpitations, mild shortness of breath...
  25. P

    Wiki Unsuccessful removal of Mediport catheter

    Need help with this. Thanks is advance Pre-Op/Post Op Diagnosis: Fractured MediPort Catheter OPERATION: 1. Central venogram with interpretation and unsuccessful attempt at snaring MediPort catheter 2. Left upper extremity ultrasonography with interpretation. ACCESS...
  26. J

    Wiki Endoscopy - Ia m getting a denial from Secure

    Ia m getting a denial from Secure Horizon for the services billed below....Any help would be greatly appreciated. Left endoscopic sinonasal tumor resection, CPT 31237/5159 Left endoscopic sinonasal medial maxillectomy, CPT 31267-2251 Left endoscopic sinonasal eyhmoidectomy, CPT 31255/51LT Left...
  27. J

    Wiki Lipoma removal or more?-Reposting here as I have

    Reposting here as I have not gotten any responses and need some feedback! I am not sure if I have this coded correctly. I have used 27047 for the lipoma removal, however I am not sure if there is more to this procedure than that. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left inguinal mass. POSTOPERATIVE...
  28. J

    Wiki Lipoma removal or more?

    I am not sure if I have this coded correctly. I have used 27047 for the lipoma removal, however I am not sure if there is more to this procedure than that. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left inguinal mass. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left inguinal mass. OPERATION: Left inguinal exploration...
  29. M

    Wiki Sclerotherapy question

    01/14/16 Guys, How would you code this one? FINDINGS: An US of the left elbow lymphatic malformation was performed, showing multiple anechoic structures which are easily compressible. A suitable access site for needle placement was identified and the skin marked. The left elbow was prepared and...
  30. F

    Wiki Excision giant cell tumor of bone

    Please help! Patient diagnosed with giant cell tumor of bone. I need help with CPTs for: 1. Excision of extraosseous mass, left shoulder 2. Curettage and bone grafting of left acromion plus cement injection into the left acromion Thank you! Tobi C., CPC
  31. M

    Wiki Optical coherence tomography during renal angiography

    Hi, Is there a temporary code this OCT of vessels other than coronary?...as below.... Next over the 0.014 wire, the OCT system was advanced into the left renal artery via the Flexor sheath, which was advanced to the origin of the left renal artery with the aid of the Cobra catheter and 0.035...
  32. A

    Wiki Overlapping Stents in different vessels

    I know that we only bill for one stent if they are overlapping in the same vessel but can you bill for the 2 different vessels if they are overlapping? Op note below, please advise! Thank you! PROCEDURE: 1. Left heart catheterization. 2. Coronary angiography. 3. Successful...
  33. L

    Wiki SI Region Injection

    Hello, The patient was being seen for left knee and indicated that he was having a lot of pain into the left leg from the inguinal region into the SI joint and down the left leg and into the thigh. I have a report that reads that the Patient had an injection into the left SI region, 80 mg of...
  34. O

    Wiki HELP!!! Axillofemoral bypass angioplasty of mid graft stenosis

    Unsure of coding of this surgery. Please help!!! OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: 1. Open exposure of left axillofemoral bypass graft via infraclavicular approach. 2. Angiogram of left axillofemoral bypass graft. 3. Rotational atherectomy of mid graft and distal graft stenosis. 4. Percutaneous...
  35. O

    Wiki HELP! axillofemoral bypass w angioplasty of mid graft

    Unsure of coding of this surgery. Please help!!! OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: 1. Open exposure of left axillofemoral bypass graft via infraclavicular approach. 2. Angiogram of left axillofemoral bypass graft. 3. Rotational atherectomy of mid graft and distal graft stenosis. 4. Percutaneous...
  36. M

    Wiki Left Greater Trochanter RFA Question

    Hello, I was wondering if you can help me with this one. The patient had a left greater trochanter RFA. Lesioning was performed in 4 quadrants by repositioning the needle in the 12, 6,9 and 3 o'clock positions. Would this be 64640 x 1 or 64640 x 4? Thank you! Melissa Harris, CPC The Albany...
  37. C

    Wiki Vascular Coding Question

    Good Morning, This patient was having a transcatheter aortic valve replacement. They had problems and they had to place extra stents for dissection of the vertebral/subclavian artery. Can someone assist me in coding this report. I would use the 33363 for the TAVR, but after that I am not...
  38. N

    Wiki Renal and Peripheral angiographies need help coding please

    1. Right common femoral artery access with catheter placement and selective engagement of bilateral renal arteries with supervision and interpretation. 2. Bilateral renal artery stenting. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is a 68-year-old with a history of resistant hypertension...
  39. C

    Wiki new to carotid angiography coding HELP!

    My doctors rarely do intervention with the carotid arteries. When they do I am completely stumped! HELP Procedure: 1. Bilateral Carotid Angiography 2. Cerebral Angiography. 3. Aortic arch angiography 4. Angio-seal of the right femoral artery after confirming mid arterial stick with right...
  40. J

    Coding help with trigger points

    Hello my fellow members. Question for you....im wondering how you would code this? Trying to get some feed back on a few things to iron some things out-TY in advance!>>>> Patient presents with pain and spasms in the bilateral cervical regions, with associated tenderness radiating to the lower...
  41. M

    Wiki CPT for malposition of implant on (left) contralateral breast of Rt breast recon

    I'm stumped on what cpt code to use since the breast is not the reconstructed breast. it's the contralateral breast (left) that Dr is wanting to basically tighten implant position. We're wanting to get pre determination through insurance and I'm needing a code. Any suggestions? is a 45...